
Showing posts from June, 2020


Sin doesn't exist anymore. Jesus took it away by dying on the cross. The world no more has sin problem but life problem. Put differently, the world is sinless but LIFELESS. Everyone needs ETERNAL LIFE by believing in JESUS. I dealt with this (sin is destroyed) issue in the first part. Now let's continue by excavating CARNALITY. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Carnality is the side effect of Adam's sin which Jesus destroyed. After Adam sinned, his body became corruptible. So generationally, man's body is bound to corrupt. Nothing good is in the human body (flesh). The flesh profits nothing. The works of the flesh are immoral. This is as a result of sin and death. Though sin is destroyed, but it's consequence (carnality) is still at work. That's why believers are promised a new body which is incorruptible in the new world yet to come (1 Corinthians 15:50-57). Until you recieve the incorruptible body, the only way to overcome carnality is TO RENEW YOUR MIND WITH THE WORD. That's to say...


To really understand the true Gospel and the writings of the Bible, it's very significant to know the difference between SIN and CARNALITY or WORK OF THE FLESH. Carnality isn't SIN itself, rather, it is the repercussion of sin. Let me push it hard to fish out the difference between sin and carnality.  In the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam NOT to eat the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, otherwise, he shall surely die. That command was the law guiding and sustaining Adam in the Garden. Did Adam obey the law? Unfortunately, he DISOBEYED. That was how SIN came into being. Let's readπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Romans 5:19a (NKJV) For as by one man’s [Adam's] DISOBEDIENCE  many were MADE SINNERS,... Apparently, SIN was a generational curse caused by the DISOBEDIENCE OF ADAM in the Garden of Eden. And immediately Adam disobeyed (sinned) by eating of the tree, He and her wife's eyes were opened to CARNALITY. That's to say, they began KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL. They became carnal. There...


There are some teachings Jesus taught that was meant for a moment before His death and resurrection. In other words, He taught or said certain things in the confinement of the law because the law was still in use.  For instance, Jesus taught that if one forgive others, God will forgive him. But if he refuses to forgive, God will not forgive him his sins. This teaching about forgiveness of sins was taught within the confinement of the law of Moses. Now, after the resurrection, God forgave the world. So you don't forgive others for God to forgive you, rather, you forgive others because God has already forgiven you all your sins through the blood of Jesus. Are you getting it? Let's readπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Colosians 2:13-14 (NKJV) 13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He [JESUS] has made alive together with Him, HAVING FORGIVEN YOU ALL TRESPASSES,  14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He h...


A brother asked me, "Do you fast? If you do why?" I have fasted before but from the day I encountered the Word till now I don't fast. I remember I planned to go as far as 40days fasting after I had my longest fasting ever (21days)πŸ€”πŸ˜”. Knowledge they say is power. In Christ,  knowing and holding unto the truth brings total freedom. Because of lack of knowledge, many are perishing.  I did fast ignorantly because I thought that was the way to get more closer to God, to get more power to break satanic traps, to get breakthroughs, to hear God's voice, and what you can think of. Little did I know that the flesh profits nothing as Jesus said in John 6:63.   Ignoring food and water (fasting) for sometime doesn't profit you spiritually in anyway. Besides, you can't control your body (flesh) by fasting, but by mind renewing. To be son conscious and enjoy your sonship, feed your mind with the Word always. When it comes to satanic traps and breakthroughs, Jesus Christ ha...


Yes, CHRIST commanded us to baptise anyone who believes in Him. But you have to understand the BAPTISM Christ was talking about. BAPTISM refers not only to immersing one in WATER. Actually, HE was telling us to initiate anyone who believes in the Gospel in the Holy SPIRIT. If you really want to understand the scripture clearly, you need to consider Jesus's teaching first before you consider that of the apostles. He is the author and finisher of our faith.  WATER BAPTISM is like circumcision today. It adds nothing to your relationship with God whether or not you practise. Today, We still practise circumcision because it has been a way of life but now it's no more a covenant as God instilled in the days of Abraham.  Likewise, the disciples were following suit after the depletion of John the Baptist ministry. Water baptism was the ministry of John the Baptist, so his followers followed suit. Holy spirit baptism is the ministry of Jesus Christ,  so we HIS followers must follo...


Never ever think wedding is the same as marriage. They are different. God instituted marriage and not wedding. Wedding was created by man. Marriage was instituted for a PURPOSE and for wedding, man created it for PLEASURE. Wedding is a ritual or feast perform officially to celebrate the beginning of a marriage. Marriage, however goes beyond wedding.  Marriage is the union of two or (more) people that generate a new family which comes with social rights and responsibilities. Obviously, marriage is a lifetime thing. Wedding happens just in a day or two. If you view marriage as just a wedding, your marriage can't survive.  If you want a good marriage, you need wisdom and knowledge. If you want a great wedding, with money and good organizers, you will achieve it. But don't use that approach for marriage, you will regret it if you do. Many are prepared for wedding, not marriage. Nevertheless, you don't prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage. Wedding needs gown. Marriage n...