Sin doesn't exist anymore. Jesus took it away by dying on the cross. The world no more has sin problem but life problem. Put differently, the world is sinless but LIFELESS. Everyone needs ETERNAL LIFE by believing in JESUS. I dealt with this (sin is destroyed) issue in the first part. Now let's continue by excavating CARNALITY. ππ Carnality is the side effect of Adam's sin which Jesus destroyed. After Adam sinned, his body became corruptible. So generationally, man's body is bound to corrupt. Nothing good is in the human body (flesh). The flesh profits nothing. The works of the flesh are immoral. This is as a result of sin and death. Though sin is destroyed, but it's consequence (carnality) is still at work. That's why believers are promised a new body which is incorruptible in the new world yet to come (1 Corinthians 15:50-57). Until you recieve the incorruptible body, the only way to overcome carnality is TO RENEW YOUR MIND WITH THE WORD. That's to say...