📓1 Peter 2:21 _For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow his steps: (KJV)_ Christianity is more practical than theological. Knowing about God; studying everything in the Bible doesn't make a Christian. Instead, what makes a Christian is living (practicing) what is studied and known about God through Christ Jesus. Although it is important to study or listen to God's Word, it is more important than one can take a stick at to obey and practice what it says. Therefore, professing to be Christians without godly effect on our behavior and attitude is futile. From our open verse, it obvious that we are called to live as Christ lived. Christ is our ultimate example. We are to walk in His footprints. So, not only by our mouth confessions, we are to practicalize our faith in Christ by giving ourselves to Him as living sacrifices which is holy and acceptable; allowing Him to transform our minds (Romans 12:1-...
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