There are some teachings Jesus taught that was meant for a moment before His death and resurrection. In other words, He taught or said certain things in the confinement of the law because the law was still in use. 

For instance, Jesus taught that if one forgive others, God will forgive him. But if he refuses to forgive, God will not forgive him his sins. This teaching about forgiveness of sins was taught within the confinement of the law of Moses. Now, after the resurrection, God forgave the world. So you don't forgive others for God to forgive you, rather, you forgive others because God has already forgiven you all your sins through the blood of Jesus. Are you getting it? Let's read👇👇

Colosians 2:13-14 (NKJV)
13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He [JESUS] has made alive together with Him, HAVING FORGIVEN YOU ALL TRESPASSES, 
14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having NAILED IT TO THE CROSS. 

Jesus didn't directly teach forgiveness as such as Apostle Paul and the other Apostles later did because it was premature at that moment. Even when Jesus was heard telling those He healed that their sins are forgiven, the scribes and the pharisees were mad at Him because they thought it as  unlawful and blasphemy. Jesus therefore didn't detail most of His teachings because He knew that even His own disciples wouldn't have understood Him. That's why He said this👇👇

John 16:12-14 (NKJV)
12 “I still have many things to say to you, but YOU CANNOT BEAR THEM NOW. 
13 However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come. 
14 He will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.

Obviously, before the cross, there were certain things Jesus didn't tell his disciples because He knew there was no way they could have understood (borne) it. So Jesus adjourned such things to after His resurrection where the Holy Spirit would be in them as their helper to understand. 

Beloved, you don't read the Bible for reading sake. Don't just hold unto anything just because it's written in the Bible. You have to understand the reality of what you read before you hold unto it. Just because Jesus said something about fasting or tithing doesn't mean He is ordering you to fast or tithe as a new testament believer. Please don't misunderstand Jesus. Allow the Holy Spirit to divide the WORD of Truth for your understanding. It's not easy to unlearn the errors you have studied in the Bible. So don't allow anyone to drop erroneous dogma into your mind. 

Besides, know the realities of BEFORE THE CROSS and AFTER THE CROSS teachings before you claim knowledge of the Gospel. The new testament doesn't start from Matthew as many assume😀🤷‍♂️. It starts from right after the resurrection. It's not the part of the Bible you read from Matthew to Revelation. THE  NEW TESTAMENT IS THE PERSONALITY OF CHRIST. You don't read it, you experience Him (Christ). He is the Spirit in you as a believer. My pen is down for now😀. I hope you will be enlightened. 

Stay blessed and inspired! 



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