Never ever think wedding is the same as marriage. They are different. God instituted marriage and not wedding. Wedding was created by man. Marriage was instituted for a PURPOSE and for wedding, man created it for PLEASURE. Wedding is a ritual or feast perform officially to celebrate the beginning of a marriage. Marriage, however goes beyond wedding.
Marriage is the union of two or (more) people that generate a new family which comes with social rights and responsibilities. Obviously, marriage is a lifetime thing. Wedding happens just in a day or two. If you view marriage as just a wedding, your marriage can't survive.
If you want a good marriage, you need wisdom and knowledge. If you want a great wedding, with money and good organizers, you will achieve it. But don't use that approach for marriage, you will regret it if you do. Many are prepared for wedding, not marriage. Nevertheless, you don't prepare for wedding, you prepare for marriage. Wedding needs gown. Marriage needs growth.
Don't let the weddings you attend excite and push you to say yes to him or her. Mind you, you don't just do wedding, you marry. Mind how you spend money on your wedding. Wedding is just a day. Save more for the marriage. Many will attend your wedding and make merry with you but after the wedding, it is just you and your partner. That is where the marriage begins. Hope you're getting it right?
Your rights and responsibilities as a husband or a wife begins right after the wedding. Those who motivated you to do a luxurious and expensive wedding will not be around. That is where to show whether or not you love your partner. Before and during the wedding is just the theory of the marriage. After the wedding, you display the practicals. Be wise and know how to go about your wedding and marriage.
Beloved, it is not about how great the wedding is or how luxurious it looks, it is about the both of you knowing and understanding where you are going. It about the purpose of building a new family. It is about the readiness to assist or help each other. It about forgiving and understanding each other when the need arises. It is hard work.
Are you marriage? Download knowledge from Christ. Are are about to? Download knowledge from Christ. A happy marriage is possible.
Stay inspired and blessed!
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