

Since I wrote on my Facebook timeline, “If you study the Bible with the lens of the Holy Spirit, you'll realized that God isn't behind the KILLINGS in the old testament,” many folks have been asking me to elaborate that post for their understanding. Before I proceed, I would like to infer your attention on one of the reasons why Jesus came to earth. Aside to die for our sins, Jesus came to make what was unknown about God known. He came to rewrite what was falsely written about God. Actually, Jesus came to reveal the true character of God. Let's read and learn from what Jesus said.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Luke 10:22 (NLT) “My Father has entrusted everything to me. No one truly knows the Son except the Father, and NO ONE TRULY KNOWS THE FATHER [GOD] EXCEPT THE SON AND THOSE TO WHOM THE SON CHOOSES TO REVEAL HIM.” Did you notice that? No one knows God truly except Jesus and those who have caught a glimpse of such revelation through Jesus. Obviously, before Jesus, the prophets and those who sought...


"Is your name written in the book of life?" isn't a question for a believer in Christ. Yes it isn't. As a believer, you don't need to ask yourself or a fellow believer such question. It is ignorant to do so because the book of life isn't literally a book. It's emblematically started in the Bible so you need the lens of the Holy Spirit to figure out what it means. The book of life is the person of Christ. In Christ is life. He is life Himself. Beholding Christ is beholding life eternal. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ 1 John 5:12 (NKJV)  He who has the Son [CHRIST JESUS] has LIFE; he who does not have the Son of God does not have life. Actually, Christ is the book of life. The writings of the book of life (Christ) includes anyone who believes in Christ. In other words, if you believe in Christ, you are in Christ and that you're in the book of life. So you don't need to be asked the above questionπŸ‘† if you believe in Christ. Besides, you don't pray and fast for God to writ...


The ministry of Jesus and His life on earth demonstrate that God is a good God. For Jesus Christ is the real definition of God. Knowing Jesus is knowing God. Actually, God is truly known only in Jesus Christ. Outside Jesus, you only know an unknown God. While on earth, He (Jesus) was always and only found doing good, nothing more (Acts 10:38). Teaching goodness, healing the sick, raising the dead, and casting out devil were His business. That's who God is. God doesn't kill, He gives life, even in abundance. He doesn't destroy, He repairs and builds. He doesn't inflict pain and infirmities, He heals. He doesn't take from man, He rather gives to man. Anything bad and evil isn't of God and isn't from Him.  In case you have read or heard anything bad or evil of God, run to Jesus, read and study about Him. He is the right interpretation of God. Don't let what you read in the old testament writings or what ignorant people say misinterpret God to you. If you...


The Holy Spirit isn't a name but a description. He describes who God is. He reveals the character and personality of Christ Jesus who is God. The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ Jesus who is God.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ John 4:24 (NKJV)  God is Spirit [Holy Spirit] , and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.” 2 Corinthians 3:17 Now the Lord [Christ Jesus] is the Spirit; and where the Spirit of the Lord [Christ Jesus] is, there is liberty. Blending the scriptures aboveπŸ‘† demonstrate and teach that God is Spirit and the Spirit is Jesus Christ. This also reveals the truth that Jesus Christ is God and there is no doubt. Therefore, the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ. When you receive Jesus Christ, you have received the Holy Spirit. Christ in you is the Holy Spirit in you. Moreover, rejecting the work of the Holy Spirit is rejection the work of Christ. Those who don't believe in the Holy Spirit don't truly believe in Jesus Christ. This is because the Holy Spirit is Jesus C...


One day, I attended a certain denomination for a Bible study. During the studies, the Pastor said something which baffled me as he was teaching about salvation. He said, "as a believer, you're to do your best to continue in obedience and humility so that THE LORD WILL CONSIDER AND SELECT YOU AMONG THE SAVED when He returns." πŸ€” I then asked him a question about the statement he made. "Pastor, will you be considered and selected among the saved when the Lord returns?" His reply was, "I can't tell, only the Lord knows." I wasn't surprised of his reply because I was once in the shoes of religion which made me think alike. Similarly, many believers are not certain of their salvation. They pray almost every day just to make sure God select them among the saved or writes their names in the book of life. Even most denominations gather for such purpose which is very wrong. God doesn't want you to pray such prayer. He wants you to know well that you...


Sin doesn't exist anymore. Jesus took it away by dying on the cross. The world no more has sin problem but life problem. Put differently, the world is sinless but LIFELESS. Everyone needs ETERNAL LIFE by believing in JESUS. I dealt with this (sin is destroyed) issue in the first part. Now let's continue by excavating CARNALITY. πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Carnality is the side effect of Adam's sin which Jesus destroyed. After Adam sinned, his body became corruptible. So generationally, man's body is bound to corrupt. Nothing good is in the human body (flesh). The flesh profits nothing. The works of the flesh are immoral. This is as a result of sin and death. Though sin is destroyed, but it's consequence (carnality) is still at work. That's why believers are promised a new body which is incorruptible in the new world yet to come (1 Corinthians 15:50-57). Until you recieve the incorruptible body, the only way to overcome carnality is TO RENEW YOUR MIND WITH THE WORD. That's to say...


To really understand the true Gospel and the writings of the Bible, it's very significant to know the difference between SIN and CARNALITY or WORK OF THE FLESH. Carnality isn't SIN itself, rather, it is the repercussion of sin. Let me push it hard to fish out the difference between sin and carnality.  In the Garden of Eden, God commanded Adam NOT to eat the tree of the Knowledge of good and evil, otherwise, he shall surely die. That command was the law guiding and sustaining Adam in the Garden. Did Adam obey the law? Unfortunately, he DISOBEYED. That was how SIN came into being. Let's readπŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡ Romans 5:19a (NKJV) For as by one man’s [Adam's] DISOBEDIENCE  many were MADE SINNERS,... Apparently, SIN was a generational curse caused by the DISOBEDIENCE OF ADAM in the Garden of Eden. And immediately Adam disobeyed (sinned) by eating of the tree, He and her wife's eyes were opened to CARNALITY. That's to say, they began KNOWING GOOD AND EVIL. They became carnal. There...