Tithing isn't required neither is it emboldened for believers in Christ Jesus. It was distinctively meant for the nation Isreal for specific purposes and even now it is illegitimate. It was a command God gave to them under the old covenant. They were under THE LAW then.
As you believe that God have had a NEW covenant with us through Christ Jesus, you are to equally believe that there is a NEW requirement and that the system has changed.👇
Hebrews 8:13 (NKJV)
In that He says, “A NEW COVENANT ,” He has made the FIRST [OLD] OBSOLETE . Now what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to VANISH AWAY.
The requirements of the old covenant has become obsolete. It has vanished away. Therefore, you are no more under the law; you are under GRACE. What is ultimately required of you now is to BELIEVE in the finished work of Christ Jesus for you to be led by the HOLY SPIRIT.
How can a Holy Spirit led person follow a standardized way of giving (tithing)? The Holy Spirit is invigorative in nature. He imparts efficacy in you for you to be a GENEROUS GIVER, not a tither. In Christ, what you can do isn't limited. You can do all things through the strength of Christ. Tithing comes in to limit you. It isn't meant for you.
You may ask, then why did Abraham tithe even though he lived before the law? Abraham gave the tenth of all the goods he recovered from war to Melchizedek. It wasn't his goods but that of the King of Sodom. He didn't tithe out of his profit or own property. He did what he thought was good after he won the war for his nephew and for Sodom. He did it because he was victorious not because he had profit or income. He did it once. There is no evidence he did it regularly.
In addition, Jacob's tithing was a promise, not a command. He promised to give to God a tenth of what he would gain. That was his own decision from the heart. It isn't a pattern to follow. Besides, as stated earlier on, you are not under the mosaic covenant (the law) in which tithing was a requirement.
Furthermore, in the era of the law, tithes were brought to a particular place where God's name was established. And even the tithes were not in the form of monies but farm products. One was to exchange (sell) it for money incase it was far away to transport the farm products. The tither was suppose to used the money on any kind of food he or she desires. Then it was to be brought to the said place to be enjoyed by the tither himself with his household, levites, foreigners, orphans, and widows (Deuteronomy 14:22-29, 26:1-13).
Also, Malachi chapter three was never speaking to believers in Christ. God was talking to the levites and the priests who had then deviated from the orders of tithes and offerings. It was never about you. Don't let anyone manipulate you with that scripture. You aren't a Jewish. You're a believer in Christ Jesus; You're a child of God. You're no more under the levitical priesthood.
Actually, tithing was a mean they used to reach the levites, widows, and the needy. It's never the same today. That's why Jesus Himself and the early Apostles bothered not to teach about TITHE. It is obsolete. They only taught about generous giving. You're instructed to be generous in helping the needy. So now, tithing isn't a command to obey. It doesn't affect your salvation in anyway as some claim that refusing to tithe can end you in the lake of fire. It is a lie. You're a generous giver, not a tither.
Once again, you are a generous giver. You are to help the needy out of a willing heart. You are not restricted to a particular percentage of your profit or income. Instead, you give cheerfully; you decide in your heart how much you CAN give. You are to help the needy around you even if you would like to spend all your profit on them. Give generously.
Moreover, you are to give to those who labor in the word (pastors, prophets, apostles, etc) from your heart as an appreciation for their labor. I say it again, you give any percentage you CAN out of your profit or properties to support the spreading of the gospel. You're are not limited to a standardised percentage.
Beloved, don't let tithing limit your capabilities in giving. It isn't a command to obey. You're not required to tithe as a believer. You are to give generously. You give because you're blessed, not because you want to be blessed. GIVE GENEROUSLY.
2 Corinthians 9:7-8 (NKJV)
7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver.
8 And God is able to make all grace abound toward you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work.
Stay inspired and blessed!
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