đź““Revelation 22:17
_And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely. (KJV)_
Our Lord Jesus Christ is the fountain of living water. Anyone who forsakes Him will die of thirst (Jeremiah 17:13). He offers therefore living water that could quench our spiritual thirst. If only we could acknowledge who He is and the gift He has for us, we would ask Him, and He would give us living water. Besides, we will have eternal life and will never thirst again when we drink from Him. (John 4:10-11).
Apparantly, the "living water" refers to the Holy Spirit, indicating eternal life (salvation). So as we drink from Jesus, the living water, we receive the Holy Spirit which bring to us eternal life. From out text, Christ Jesus invites us all to come and drink freely from the water of life. He wants no payment and also seeks no recommendation from our virtuous emotions. All He seeks is a heart which is willing and ready to honour this special and gracious invitation.
Beloved, are you drinking from Jesus, the living water? If you are not, don't hesitate; desire to accept the gracious invitation as you hear and read these words. But if in case you are drinking from Christ, don't enjoy Him alone, but invite anyone you can reach to come and drink from Him too. For we live in a world in which people are desperately thirsty for living water, and many are dying of thirst (perishing). This is a general invitation to mankind, to come and partake freely of the gift of salvation and promises of the Savior Jesus. So don't be left out!
_*Further Study: Isaiah 55:1-7.*_
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God richly bless you.
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