
Showing posts from December, 2018


📓Psalm 90:10 _The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years, yet is their strength labour and sorrow; for it is soon cut off, and we fly away. (KJV)_ Our days on earth are numbered. Every time spent is irreversible. Therefore, how we spend every time or day in life is very important. Every time or day spent is by choice making. We either choose to live for God or for ourselves. Obviously, once a day is spent, It spends with a made choice. Mostly, it's impossible to reverse an already made choice. How we live and what we choose everyday affect us a lifetime. What we do at every stage of our lives does matter. Most of the problems we face in life are the cause of how we carelessly lived in the past. Therefore, we need to learn to number our day, that we apply our hearts unto wisdom (Psalm 90:12). With wisdom, a person doesn't think of a moment satisfaction; he or she thinks deep into future effects. Beloved, h...


Luke  2:10-11 _"And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord."_ The Bible didn't specify the month and the particular day our Savior, Christ Jesus was born. However, as Christians we know and believe that Christ was born for our salvation and redemption. The beginning of the work of redemption was right after the fall of man but the physical manifestation began from the birth of Christ. Therefore there is the need to  celebrate and rejoice in remembrance. Christ was not born in December but He was born to redeem us.  It's written, "The Savior - yes, the Messiah, the Lord - has been born today in Bethlehem, the city of David!... Suddenly, the angel was joined by a vast host of others - the armies of heaven - praising God and saying, “Glory to God in highest heaven, and peace on earth to those wi...